A way to develop mental flexibility and cognitive abilities
leading to awareness and personal growth
«The subconscious mind is a powerful force that guides our lives and determines our success»
Joseph Merphy

Neurocoaching what is it?

ЭThis is the practice of developing the body and spirit
Neurocoaching is a personal growth methodology that includes elements of classical coaching (supporting the client in setting up and achieving goals) and neuropsychology. It is based on modern views on the functioning of the brain and understanding of its ability to form new neural connections.

Neurocoaching is based on the idea that we can change our thought patterns, behaviors and habits by influencing the structure and function of our brain. He offers tools and techniques to activate neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to rewire itself.

In my work, I use various techniques and practices that help clients feel conscious and overcome internal blocks.

My tools include energy sessions, spiritual practices, meditations. They help clients improve their concentration and develop emotional intelligence and other aspects of cognitive skills.

What problems does neurocoaching solve?

What pains my clients what to ressolve at seances
  • Impostor
  • Defectiveness
  • Emotional
  • Lack of identity
In total, there are 18 traumatic scenarios that determine human behavior.
The life of each of us is determined by at least 9-10 of them.
Get a Traumatic Behavior Diagnosis Test

What pains we work upon

Clients get rid of emotional blocks and start moving forward
How we work
Diagnosis of traumatic scenarios
Setting goals and choosing tools
Building the foundation of a new state
and new forms of behavior

Tracking results
Individual support
3 sessions
  • 3 sessions lasting 1.5 hours
  • 15 minute support between sessions

CHF 350.-
1 month
  • 4 sessions lasting 1.5 hours
  • 30 minute support
  • practice and meditation for independent work and consolidation of the result

CHF 480.-
3 months
  • 10 sessions lasting 1.5 hours
  • online mentor support
  • practice and meditation for independent work and consolidation of the result
  • Dr. Bach's individually selected blends of colors

CHF 1500.-
Reviews ❤️
  • Natalia
    On April 28, you and I worked out my request, I did not allow myself to receive alimony from my ex-husband, as I believed that because of them I was losing control over the situation. That is, now I’m such a bitching work myself, I don’t devote enough time to children, but I compensate for this with money, because I support them myself, and at the slightest reproach from him, I could say: who are you anyway? Are you helping in any way? and if he starts paying, it turns out that I’m a crappy mother and don’t devote time and also don’t provide them myself.

    As a result, after working through, I admitted that he is also a parent and should help, that this does not infringe on me in any way, and after a week, money began to come to me, his accounts were arrested, and in May transfers for 30k came, and in June 38k
    I began to work less and spend more time at home, while this only affected the quality of life for the better and such a feeling of calmness, it simply cannot be conveyed, lightness and understanding that this is how it should be.

    Thank you for working🤍

  • Victoria
    After the session, sales of their services increased by EUR 2,000. There were fewer thoughts of self-flagellation, more energy appeared.

    For the first time I work on the program of another person, amplify.
+41 77 202 36 25

I am not a doctor, I do not make any diagnoses, my services, non-medical, remain wellness support. They do not interfere in any way with the course of allopathic treatment.
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