Sessions of magnetism
Harmonization of entire body and spirit
"Lorsqu'une chose évolue, tout ce qui est autour évolue de même".
Paolo Coelho, L'Alchimiste
What is magnetism?
The Universal Energy that balances body and mind
During the magnetism session, I work with the Universal Energy (Chi among the Chinese, Ki among the Japanese) that I modify through my hands, inform it with the precise intention according to the objective defined during the anamnesis and then passes it on to the person being treated.

Energy can also be transmitted through the eyes and the breath, always with benevolence and love.
Magnetic Energy, this fabulous fluid, works on the balance and harmonization of the body and mind of the person receiving the treatment.

Magnetism helps release blocked energies in the body, restore inner harmony, revitalize the body, strengthen defense systems and relaunch natural self-healing processes.

The magnetism session is structured by a precise framework and reassuring protocols and always begins with an anamnesis that I conduct with the person consulting. This exchange allows me to understand the reasons for the consultation, the needs of the person and to determine the different techniques that will be used during the session.

The magnetism treatment is done lying on a massage table. However, depending on the circumstances, the treatment can also be done sitting down.

Depending on their sensitivity, the treated person may or may not feel feelings of heat, sometimes intense, or cold, chills, tingling, feelings of heaviness or the emotions that arise. All these feelings are temporary in nature and allow emotional cleansing.
Chi Enegry
How Chi energy circulates in our bodies
Where magnetism is applied
This therapy can be used in case of many emotional and physical problems

This therapy is very beneficial for people who suffer from:

  • difficult emotional situations (anxiety, anxiety, various fears, hyperactivity, overwork, burn-out, etc.)
  • physical ailments (digestive problems, insomnia, recurring physical pain, tension, headaches, pinched nerves, skin problems, extreme fatigue, migraines).

Depending on the results of the first session and the problem to be treated, additional sessions may be necessary in order to obtain complete rebalancing.

Everyone can benefit from this treatment: seniors, adults, children, athletes.

Sessions of magnétisme
This therapeutic technique brings complete relaxation, relief and reduction of symptoms
Reviews from dear clients ❤️
My feelings after your care were diverse and multiple. Each session had its own particularity. I often felt like a feeling of lightness coupled with a joyful energy that lasted over time.
Other times, a deep bodily relaxation with a very pleasant inner pleasure.
about an online session
The session you did for me remotely was amazing! After you finished the treatment, I remained glued to the deckchair on which I was lying for more than an hour, as if I had smoked opium. A very deep relaxation and a great inner calm. Inner tensions gone. It was a very pleasant feeling.
I could write whole stories to describe the sessions with Olesya, but...I consider that each experience is unique and everyone should try at least once to go towards an encounter with the divine in oneself! Try to re-discover yourself!
CHF 135.-
First session 1h30
CHF 95.-
Next sessions 1h00
+41 77 202 36 25

I am not a doctor, I do not determine any diagnosis, my services, non-medical, remain wellness support. They do not intervene in any way in the course of allopathic treatments.
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